
ConnectBirds is a key component of a larger concept imagined by V. Martin. The idea was motivated by the current challenges in nature and in bird conservation. In Switzerland, bird conservation is failing because of different factors. One reason is serious limitations in bird monitoring with respect to data quality in time and space as well as the high personal costs induced. The solution is to take advantage of the newest technologies such as the Internet of the Thing (IoT), artificial intelligence, energy efficient electronics and power supply. That makes bird surveillance cheaper, more efficient, more accurate and more reliable.

Many land areas have multiple usages. Nature conservation must be achieved successfully in areas used as well for food or energy productions, leisure activities and human habitations. Cohabitation generates conflicts, appealing for fine tuning of conservation action and conflict mitigation in time and space. Only a permanent monitoring can provide relevant information to support correct and quick conservation decisions for successful cohabitation.

The increased time and space resolution of surveillance is a key to a high confidence on the presence but as well on the absence of species, thus providing strong facts for policy makers.

ConnectBirds was created in 2021. It is a non-profit group linked to the NGOs Nos Oiseaux.

If you are interested in ConnectBirds and wish to contribute, please contact: valere.martin@nosoiseaux.ch

ConnectBirds was only possible because of the support of our partners.

We wish to thank for their technical and scientific support the following institutions:

  • The University of Applied Sciences of Management and Engineering in Yverdon-les-Bains (VD).
  • The University of Applied Sciences of Engineering and Architecture in Fribourg (FR)
  • Nos Oiseaux, The Swiss French Society for Bird Protection and Study in La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE)

We wish to thank for their financial support the following institution and foundations:

  • The Federal Office of Environment, Division Economy, and Innovation in Bern
  • The Beatrice Ederer-Weber Foundation in Zürich
  • The Ernst-Göhner Foundation in Zug
  • The Foundation OneNature in Vevey
  • The Foundation Temperatio in Maur

Photo credential from top to bottom: L. Vallotton Nos Oiseaux ©, V. Martin Nos Oiseaux ©, L. Vallotton Nos Oiseaux ©

First version 01.07.2021; latest updated on 02.12.2021

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